I moved into my Pittsburgh studio in the months before COVID. It was easy. It is a storefront with a ramp. I found some big sheets of plywood and we built two big boxes on wheels to move around for shoot. I just never got to have a real opening. UNTIL NOW!

Now that my kids can finally go to school without a mask for the first time in two years - I can announce our very official opening at 5427 Penn Ave in Garfield. On April 1, from 6-9 for the Unblurred: First Fridays On Penn. Our first featured exhibition - 40 Day News Break - is a project inspired by my New Year’s resolution to take a break from the news.

The very first News Break collage created by Stephie Lange with eyes from my photos.
Stephie Lange has been creating daily collages that include my photos to reimagine the front page of the newspaper. Stephie's collages will be printed and framed in the front of the gallery. A wall of my most iconic images that have been printed in the past couple of years have a big wall that is great fun to check out - as well as a box full of new prints to share. We have new merch we are offering for custom order as well as prints for sale.

We may reveal who is underneath the donut at the opening...but only in a whisper.

A photo by Annie Leibovitz of me with William Hurt.

The Guerilla Girls for Vogue - one of Stephie's favorite pics

From my very first assignment with Bread & Puppet Theater
Notes on the News Break project:
My wife, Stephie, starts each year with a 40 day cleanse where she gives up sugar and caffeine. I decided to give up the news because it was taking up too much room in my life and not giving anything back. I needed the space to listen more deeply, to see with more clarity, and create some room to allow thoughts to wander with less fear.
Mostly it was time to have some fun. We started to run with the News Break idea in a series of 40 collages based on the daily challenge of covering up the front page of the newspaper with one of my images and design inventions of Stephie’s. It was an excuse to share ideas we now had the room to explore.
What began as a cleanse has turned into a wonderful collaboration between Stephie and I. We have posted 30 collages on our way to 40. Stephie using my images to obscure the daily news. Using each day's front page time stamps each piece - and Stephie's graphic inventions are news in themselves. I have been doing captions to the posts all edited down to Instagram's max of 2200 characters.

A still life from Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream Kitchen in Columbus
Hope to see you 4/1
Lots to share
George & Stephie
George Lange
cell: 917.608.2474