Jim Carrey # 01
Shot for Esquire Magazine. I was on a tear - this was my third straight Esquire cover in a row. I was in the makeup room asking Jim what his rubbery face was going to look like when he got older. He picked up some clothespins and we took off from there. One of the highlights of this shooting, was the sweetest young man from the “Make A Wish" program. Jim always included these kids on our many shoots together. On this shoot the kid wanted to play photographer. Jim said that was fine, but he had to direct him. So the kid climbs up on an apple box behind my camera and I showed him what button to push. He looks into the camera and the room gets quiet. Nervously quiet. Jim is standing there for a long while as the boy keeps looking intently into the viewfinder. Suddenly he erupts yelling, “GIVE IT TO ME JIMMY!” Everyone - Jim, all the crew, the people from IHAW Foundation, the team from Esquire - and especially me were all suddenly on the ground. Gasping for air….crying...it was all too much. Possibly the single most beautiful moment at any shooting in my whole career.